Measuring equipment

Measuring equipment is a wide class of devices designed to measure various physical quantities, such as temperature, pressure, humidity, sound level, illumination, vibration, and much more.

Measuring instruments are used in many industries, scientific research, medicine, construction, and in everyday life.

The main features of the electrical equipment we supply:

Linear measuring instruments, such as a height gage and a micrometer, are used to measure the linear dimensions of parts and workpieces.
Angle instruments such as protractors and dial indicators are used to measure angles.
Devices that measure temperature and pressure, such as thermometers, manometers, vacuum gauges, etc. They are necessary for monitoring temperature and pressure.
Devices that measure electrical parameters, such as multimeters, oscilloscopes, signal generators, etc. These devices are used to measure parameters such as voltage, current, frequency, etc.
Hand and power tools such as tape measures, levels, lasers and testers are used to control the quality of parts and materials. This allows defects to be identified and corrected before they are sent to production.

We offer high-quality devices from leading manufacturers that will ensure high measurement accuracy and reliable operation. Our range includes the following types of measuring equipment:

  • 1
    Thermometers and thermohygrometers: for measuring air temperature and humidity.
  • 2
    Pyranometers and thermometers: for measuring radiation intensity and surface temperature of objects
  • 3
    Barometers and barographs: for measuring atmospheric pressure and its change over time.
  • 4
    Sound level meters: to determine sound and vibration levels under various conditions.
  • 5
    Luxmeters and luminance meters: for assessing the illumination and brightness of objects and surfaces.
  • 6
    Vibration analyzers: for monitoring vibration and determining its parameters.
  • 7
  • 8
    Rain gauges
  • 9
    And other specialized devices

Benefits of working with us:

We offer only proven measuring equipment from well-known manufacturers. All devices undergo strict quality control and comply with international standards.
Our specialists are always ready to help you choose the optimal equipment to solve specific problems.
Delivery is carried out throughout Russia, and discounts and special offers are provided for regular customers.

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LLC “ABS Construction”
Address: Bishkek, Oktyabrsky district, st. Gorkogo 1g/2, Kyrgyz Republic

Registration number: 104000634293
OKPO: 32079010
INN: 00808202310255
All rights reserved ©ABSconstruction 2023